Monday, March 8, 2010

I blame it on the pregnancy

Ah pregnancy, I forgot (haha no pun intended) how stupid it can make me. Friday I promised Monkey we would make cupcakes. Nothing from scratch, just a box so not so fancy but easy enough for him to be helpful and have fun. That's the point of cooking with your 4 year old right? Well, our first try didn't become the success I was hoping because well, my brain failed me haha. I don't know why but for some reason I read the instructions (which are beyond simple!) as instead of 1 1/3 cup water to do 1 1/3 cup veg oil! Yep, so, thats what I put in. That much oil! As soon as I went to read the instructions on the next measurement I realized my big 'oh crap' moment. Head meet wall, hello! I had to sadly explain to my over excited co-baker that we'd have to scratch this set of cupcakes and wait for daddy to bring us another thing of oil (Because duh, i used the last of what I had haha) and a new box of mix. Poor kid was sad.
However, daddy came through and we got our mix and oil back! So back to baking we went and he was the best big helper ever. Hey, this time I put in the right measurements of ingredients also haha. Monkey mixed it and poured everything in. The most I did was cut open the mix bag and crack open the eggs. These were his cupcakes.

After we got it all ready we put in the cups into the baking pan and then, they got the beaters. I had to document this part on camera haha. It's not often that Trouble gets a taste of sweets. Very rarely he'll get something small here and there but I remember enjoying this part with my mom and I figured hey, why not? I couldn't believe how he actually took care of eating it haha. It was a mess yes but he actually attempted to get it all in his mouth and not all over his body. Trouble loved the treat as well.  We loaded the cupcake cups and popped them into the oven. Big kid was too excited and couldn't wait for them to be done to frost them. Silly kid. He had to wait anyways!

Here are some photos of the boys enjoying the beaters and our final product!

With Love

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