Monday, June 27, 2011

Heavy Heart

It's hard to be happy right now. A mom on a parenting forum I belong to lost her daughter yesterday. She passed away from a severe head injury from a simple every day fall that all babies do. She was the same age as Bishop. It's hard to grasp. I never personally knew her or her mom but I have "known" them for 3 years now seeing as Dane is the same age as her twin daughters as well. I know most people find the online friendships silly so think what you want, the loss of a child of any age can hit anyone hard. This one hit me hard.

Seeing my baby reminds me of her. Seeing him do the same things she was probably doing. It makes me sad that her mama is grieving when she should be enjoying her. It's not fair, not fair at all. I'm not religious but it makes me question so many things. How can this happen to such an innocent little life? A life, a baby, a sweet precious baby who had so many years to live. How could this happen? I know it's the real world and life isn't fair. Before becoming a parent my feelings weren't so there. They were aware but knowing the fears that a mother experiences daily, knowing that this was such a freak accident, it doesn't make it any better. Its just hard to grasp. As a parent you worry about so many things but these learning to stand falls are so common. Yes they fall and bump their heads, but they come out okay. Not this time. She should be here. It just isn't fair.

Her mom is holding it up so well, well, to us anyways. I can't imagine the pain and sorrow she is experiencing. My heart will forever be with her, my thoughts will never forget that sweet sweet baby. Life, it's so precious. We often take it for granted. In light of the past couple of months my eyes have been opened up to realizing that we shouldn't take the small stuff for granted. Our babies are so precious no matter their age. They're our babies.

Forever our babies.

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